Ref Counted Objects and C++ Smart Pointers

In this article we will look into implementing a simple smart pointer class with reference counting support for tracking the lifetime of a pointer. First we will try to understand the primary models of memory management in most modern programming languages.

One of the primary considerations when picking a language is memory management and there are primarily two main models. The first one is the garbage collection(GC) model and the second one is the automatic reference counting model(ARC). Any new modern programming language these days adopts either of these two approaches for memory management. With these models, the developer is freed the burden of tracking and freeing memory. One might also argue that the applications can be less error prone as a result. Both the approaches have their own pros and cons however. Lets dig a little deeper into these two models.

Garbage Collection(GC)

In the GC model, the application process typically runs a garbage collector thread which runs through the object graph and tries to clean up the objects which are no longer active(or useful) in the context of the user program execution. At at high level this is a two step process, in the first step the thread runs through the objects and marks the objects which are safe to delete, the same thread as part of step 2, runs at a later(non deterministic) time and frees up the objects marked as safe to delete in step 1.

The primary shortcomings of the GC model are that the object destructor calls are now non deterministic. Secondly, the GC thread can slow down the application program, more so in cases where the program requires a lot of memory objects and the process or the system is running into a low memory conditions.

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)

In this model ARC unlike the GC model there is no separate thread of execution, but the logic of object clean up is embedded as part of the language constructs. The objects are automatically reference counted as part of object creation, copying/assignment operations and when the reference count hits zero, the object is cleaned up. The compiler adds code to manage the reference counting, relieving the developer of the duties. So in this case calling the object destructors is now deterministic and unlike earlier model there is no separate thread of execution.

The primary shortcoming of this model however is that it does not handle weak references or weak pointers very well.

Now let us look at a simple smart pointer class definition which will help us realize and understand how an ARC model works.

 1template <typename T> class SmartPointer {
 3        T* mData;
 4        int* mCount;
 7        SmartPointer(): mData(nullptr), mCount(nullptr) {
 8            mCount = new int();
 9            *mCount = 1;
10        }
12        SmartPointer(T* data): mData(data), mCount(nullptr) {
13            mCount = new int();
14            *mCount = 1;
15        }
17        SmartPointer(const SmartPointer<T> &sp):
18                mData(sp.mData), mCount(sp.mCount) { ++*mCount; }
20        ~SmartPointer() {
21            if (!(--*mCount)) {
22                delete mData;
23                delete mCount;
24            }
25        }
27        T operator-> () { return mData; }
29        T& operator* () { return *mData; }
31        SmartPointer<T>& operator=(const SmartPointer<T>& sp) {
32            if (this == &sp)
33                return *this;
35            if (!(--*mCount)) {
36                delete mData;
37                delete mCount;
38            }
40            mData = sp.mData;
41            mCount = sp.mCount;
42            ++*mCount;
44            return *this;
45        }

Let me try to explain this code. The template class SmartPointer is a wrapper for the underlying pointer type. This class also hosts a reference count which tracks the life cycle of the pointer. The mCount variable handles the reference count of the pointer.

When a user plans to manage the pointers the smart way, they simply would have to allocate the underlying object which needs tracking and then create an object of SmartPointer type feeding it the pointer from the prior memory allocation. Now, as part of the constructor for the SmartPointer class, a new reference count is instantiated and initialized with value 1. Now for all intents and purposes this reference count is tracking the life of this pointer. When copying or assigning pointers the reference count is decremented. When the reference count hits 0, the underlying object and the associated reference object are both freed up.

The major complexity of reference management comes in handling the copy constructor and the overloaded assignment operator

1        SmartPointer(const SmartPointer<T> &sp):
2                mData(sp.mData), mCount(sp.mCount) { ++*mCount; }
4        // example: The below statement calls the copy constructor
5        SmartPointer<Employee> emp2 = emp1;

This code snippet show the code for the copy constructor of the SmartPointer class. When the copy constructor is called, the reference count pointer from incoming SmartPointer object is copied over and then incremented as both emp1 and emp2 are now tracking the same underlying object.

 1        SmartPointer<T>& operator=(const SmartPointer<T>& sp) {
 2            if (this == &sp)
 3                return *this;
 5            if (!(--*mCount)) {
 6                delete mData;
 7                delete mCount;
 8            }
10            mData = sp.mData;
11            mCount = sp.mCount;
12            ++*mCount;
14            return *this;
15        }
17        //example invocation of the overloaded assignment operator
18        SmartPointer<Employee> emp3;
19        emp3 = emp1;

Assignment operator overload is slightly more involved than the copy constructor. Here we need to first check if the incoming object is the same object as the current object being operated upon. If they are not the same, then we need to first reduce the reference count of the lhs object(emp3 in the example above) and if the reference count hits zero, then delete the memory and the reference count of the lhs object. Then we copy over the pointer and the reference from the incoming rhs SmartPointer object(emp1) and then increment the reference count. Note even in this case, both emp3 and emp1 end up tracking the same underlying memory object.

struct Employee {
    std::string name;
    int age;
    std::string designation;

    Employee(): name(""), age(0), designation("") {};

    Employee(std::string name, int age, std::string designation):
        name(name), age(age), designation(designation) {};

int main() {
    SmartPointer<Employee> emp1(new Employee("Alien1", 251,
                                    "Space Ship Janitor"));

        // The below statement calls the copy constructor
        //ref count of emp1 is incremented to 2
        SmartPointer<Employee> emp2 = emp1;
        // Do something here with emp2

        // The below statement calls the overloaded assignment operator
        // ref count of emp3 is set to 0 and emp1 is incremented to 3
        SmartPointer<Employee> emp3;
        emp3 = emp1;
    } // emp2, emp3 destructor will be called here and ref count
      //of emp1 goes back to 1

    //emp1 destructor will be called herer
    //ref count goes to emp1 hits 0 and the underlying Employee
    //pointer is freed up

Here is a simple example of using the SmartPointer objects for tracking the pointers lifetime. SmartPointer emp1 is instantiated with an object of type Employee allocated on the heap(new Employee() returns a pointer). This pointer is now managed by the SmartPointer class with reference counting.

    SmartPointer<Employee> emp1(new Employee("Alien1", 251,
                                    "Space Ship Janitor"));

I have added comments to explain the reference counting of the underlying pointer object and when it is freed up.